Global Silicone Trends Symposium 2024 is a top level international silicone event in the post-pandemic (Covid-19) era, where the industry stakeholders with selected business persons gather to discuss how the silicone industry chain will find its way out, and to share new market opportunities among all ranks of countries around the world. This event is to be focused on as follows:
1. Green and sustainable development of silicone, predominantly on the global economy, regulations and supply chain.
2. Regional markets, specifically for those in different countries.
3. Silicone downstream sectors, like the analysis of end-use market in great demand.
Besides, a moderate-size latest silicone product exhibition is planned to go with the Symposium in order to expand the network while getting acquaintances with the current world silicone development.
Join it on 26 September for a splendid presentation by Anne Ladegaard Skov from Danish Polymer Centre. Reach out for the full schedule and register here: